Rabu, 24 Oktober 2012

Selasa, 03 Juli 2012

My Job

Well, last saturday I worked for an event held in JITEC Mangga Dua, Jakarta. The name is Dog Show Spectacular. I was a fan base for a dog named Justin, he belongs to Husky dog similiar with wolf. I thought it was such a creepy job where I have to be friendly with kind of dog no matter what it is (I wish it was all Chihuahua). approaching the entrance, the sounds of all dog was very obvious, goddddddddddddd!!!!!!!! i wore short and cropped tee at that time, it was cold being in a big hall. omigod, i think it was exhilarating exprience I've ever had. Here are some photos I added with cutest dog of all, hahaha. You are totally wrong if you expect I took a picture with Husky, Pitbull, or Bulldog. :)

Minggu, 29 April 2012

My own design

who they are? can you guess?

Sabtu, 28 April 2012

My childhood

From left to right (Farina, my cousin) (me) (Jordan, ,my lil bro) (my super mom)

Me!! wot! it was 10-year-old girl. hahahaaaa i enrolled singing competition and i was the first winner

My super big family, I heart you all!

Minggu, 22 April 2012

Legenda Candi Prambanan

According to friends’ word, I gotta make the Legend of Prambanan story into Bahasa, cekidot :

Pada suatu masa di Pulau Jawa, di sebuah daerah desbut Prambanan, hiduplah 2 kerajaan. Kerjaan Pengging dan Kraton Boko.  Kerajaan Pengging di anugerahi kesuburan dan kemakmuran. Kerajaan itu di pimpin oleh seorang raja yang bijaksana bernama Prabu Damar Moyodan memiliki seorang anak laki-laki bernama Raden Bandung Bondowoso sementara Kraton Boko adalah kerajaan yang mematuhi peraturan Pengging. Raja Boko sangat kejam, dia kuat dan tinggi seperti raksaksa. Pengikut Boko selalu takut akan kemarahan nya. Walaupun raja itu tidak tampan, dia memiliki seorang putrid yang sangat cantik bernama putrid Roro Jongrang. Suatu hari, raja Boko ingin memberontak terhadap Pengging. Setelah peperangan, ayah Roro Jonggrang tewas di bunuh Bondowoso. Dengan persetujuan raja Pengging, Bondowoso tinggal di istana Prambanan. Disana pertama kali nya Bondowoso jatuh cinta pada Roro Jonggrang. Roro sangat takut dengannya, dia tidak ingin menerima pinangan Bondowoso. Maka itu Roro memberikan sebuah persyaratan, jika Bondo dapat membuat 1000 candi dalam sehari, dia bersedia menjadi istri nya. Pada harinya, Bondo di bantu oleh roh halus. Betapa hebatnya, sebelum waktu selesai, 1000 candi hamper terselesaikan, 1 candi lagi. Roro sangan kawatir, pada saat itu juga dia memiliki gagasan untuk memerintah pelayan nya untuk menabur bunga dan menumbuk di lumbung agar roh halus akan beripikir hari itu sudah pagi. Bondowoso merasa sangat marah mengetahui bahwa dia gagal memenuhi persyaratan. Dengan demikian dia mengutuk semua wanita di istana bahwa mereka tidak akan pernah mendapatkan suami dan menjadi perawan tua selamanya. Akhirnya, Roro di kutuk menjadi sebuah patung bernama Roro Jonggrang di candi Prambanan.

Free Translation

Minggu, 15 April 2012


Semua org punya masalah, smua org punya ssuatu yg buat hati ga tenang. Pinter2 nya individu aja gimana cara nya untuk bias bahagia. Well, best friend, yaa sahabat , menurut gue meaningful bgt, pas sedih atau senang sahabat selalu ada untuk kita. Kaya yg satu ini, sahabt gue, nama nya Putry Lidianti, twitter nya @lidiapupu. 
Biasa gue panggil ceceu putri ni, kalo mau di itung, udah banyak bgt foto2 kita berduaa, hahaaa. Masalah sih bnyak, tapi kalo udh ketemu dia, bawaan nya pengen ketwa, kalo lagi nangis juga sambil ketawa, hahaaaa. Tapi gue belom pernah liat dia nangis, aah curaang. Dan yg belom lama ini gue baru tau , dia sepupunya pemain sinetron yg yaaa, mayan ganteng deh *res..
Pacarnya, nama nya Eko. Biasa gue panggil Om eko, beruntung si putrid cwonya dewasa bgt :’D eh pacar gue juga dewas deng dikit :’D gue tuh sering banget bokek, kalo mau hengout, yaa di tanggung si putry lah hahahaa -_-v dia paling lucu kalo gue boongin hahahaa muka nya kocik* 
 yahh pokonya Putri, best banget deh, selalu punya opini yg menurut gue keren banget, dan terutama, dia punya pendirian yg cukup kuat kalo di bandingin sama gue. <3

Selasa, 10 April 2012


Tentang Menu yg engga pernah berubah ^^

well, hengout itu hal yang ga terlalu sering gue lakuin sm sang pacar, ehm,. paling nonton terus makan, udh bisa nebak kali ya, tempat favorit gue makan adalah  jeng-jereng-jeng *backsong, yup Solaria.
apa yang anda pikir tentang solaria? mahal? murah? ya standart lah, terus apa lagi? pelayanan nya cepet? yupp walaupun yaa, pasti kalo makan di situ harus nunggu agak lama, (bbman dlum twiteran dlu juga bisa). tapi waktu yg lo pake buat nunggu kebayar deh sama menu2 nya. disana, gue suka bgt sama menu yang satu ini, *ga perlu pake back song ya*
Chicken cordon blue, yey \(^_^)/ dannnn pacar gue, ga pernah tu dia ganti menu kalo makan di Solaria, tau ga? menu yg satu ini banyak banget penggemar nya,
ssllrrppp, fuyunghai ala ala Solaria.. ehmmm, jadi laper ya..
range harga solaria seinget gue sih dari IDR 20.000-40.000 (mudah2an ga salah)
well, tertarik?


Phone: (021) 14-099
Margo City, G Fl Unit 17
Jl. Margonda Raya No. 358, Jakarta
This is my wish for you: Comfort on difficult days, smiles when sadness intrudes, rainbows to follow the clouds, laughter to kiss your lips, sunsets to warm your heart, hugs when spirits sag, beauty for your eyes to see, friendships to brighten your being, faith so that you can believe, confidence for when you doubt, courage to know yourself, patience to accept the truth, Love to complete your life. <3

Life is wonderful as long as we understand to make it great!

Life could never be perfect. If life were perfect; there would be no challenges for a person to face plus there would be no interesting phase of life. Perhaps god made life imperfect so that people will have responsibilities to do. The missing links in life become tools for people to use in grappling with circumstances that they encounter in life everyday; otherwise, man would just sit down and do nothing if life were perfect.Life could either be a success or a failure. For as long as you are living on earth; you can always hope for situations to change directions. So if you are struggling with what little you have today; you can always hope for a brighter future. This has been proven a lot of times. Life has proven things that some people call, “a miracle.” You could be very poor today but, the next time, you could be a very rich person. Life is what we make it. You always hear that line and that is one of the facts of life. Life is what you make it; this makes sense. If you believe in fate and luck; it may help you but the fact remains that what you do with your life determines the kind of life you will have. So if you want to mess your life, go on but you will suffer the consequences of your acts. But if you start your life the right way; you can be sure that everything will go on smoothly.

Picture of Prambanan temple

Prambanan Temple
Roro's statue

Legends of Prambanan Temple

In the old days of Java Island, in a region called Prambanan, lies two kingdom. Kingdom of Pengging and Kraton Boko. Pengging kingdom is gifted with a fertile and get prosperous. The kingdom is lead by a wise king named Prabu Damar Moyo and has a male son named Raden Bandung Bondowoso while Kraton Boko is a kingdom that obey under the rules of Pengging. The Boko king is very cruel, he is strong and tall, like a giant. The people of Boko always afraid of the kings anger. Although the king were not handsome, he has a very beautiful daughter called Princess Roro Jongrang.One day, the king of Boko wants to rebels against the Pengging.Then after the war, the father of Roro Jonggrang died being killed by Bondowoso. With Pengging's king approval, Bondowoso lived in Prambanan's palace.There was the first time Bondowoso fell in love with Roro Jonggrang. Roro felt so afraid of him, she didnt want to accept his marriage. So that she gave him a requirement, if he could make 1000 temples in a day, she would be his wife. On the D-day of making wonderfull temples, Bondowoso was helped by holy spirit. How wonderfull, before the time was ended, the 1000 temples was almost done, 1 left to make. Roro was so worried, at that time she had an idea to command her servant to spread flowers and pound in a mortar in order the holy spirit would think that it was already morning. Bondowoso felt furious knowing he failed fulfill the requirements. Thus he cursed all women in the palace would never get husband and be spinster forever. Finally, Roro was cursed being a statue named Roro Jonggrang statue in Prambanan temple.

Senin, 09 April 2012

Alexandra Stan - Mr. Saxo beat

Those photo show me how I loved wearing short when I was in senior high :D